Assume a system consist of a collection of particles, for example the atoms that make up a solid object. Consider a special point, called the center of mass (CM) of the system, whose position coordinates are given below.
xCM = Σmixi/M, yCM = Σmiyi/M, zCM = Σmizi/M.
M is the total mass of the system.
M = Σmi.The sum is over all the particles that make up the system.
rCM is the position vector of the center of mass.
rCM = xCM i + yCM j + zCM
k = (Σmixi i + Σmiyi
j + Σmizi k)/M.
rCM = (Σmiri)/M.
Let us find its velocity and its acceleration.
vCM = drCM/dt = (Σmi dri/dt)/M
= (Σmivi)/M.
MvCM = Σmivi = Σpi
= ptot.
The velocity of the center of mass multiplied by the total mass of the system is equal to the total momentum of the system.
aCM = dvCM/dt = (Σmi dvi/dt)/M
= (Σmivi)/M.
MaCM = Σmiai = ΣFi
= Ftot.
The acceleration of the center of mass multiplied by the total mass of the system is equal to the total force acting on the system.
Newton's 2nd law, F = ma, when applied to an extended object, predicts the motion of a particular reference point for this object. This reference point is called the center of mass. The center of mass of a system moves as if the total mass of the system were concentrated at this special point. It responds to external forces as if the total mass of the system were concentrated at this point.
The total force on a particle, Fi, is the vector
sum of all internal and external forces acting on the particle. If we
sum the forces acting on all the particles of the system, then in this vector
sum every internal force that particle 1 exerts on particle 2 is cancelled by
the internal force that particle 2 exerts on particle 1. This is a consequence
of Newton's third law.
We therefore have Ftot = ∑Fi = ∑Fext.
The total force on the system is the vector sum of all the external forces.
But Ftot = MaCM = dpCM/dt.
The total momentum of the system only changes, if
external forces are acting on the system. The center of mass of the system only
accelerates, if external forces are acting on the system.
If only internal forces are acting on the particles that make up the system,
then the center of mass does not accelerate, its velocity remains constant. The
total linear momentum of the system is conserved.
For the total linear momentum of a system to be constant, the particles making up the system can move with respect to each other, and can accelerate with respect to each other, but they must move and accelerate in such a way that vCM = constant and therefore aCM = 0.