When a battery charges a parallel-plate capacitor, the battery does work separating the charges. If the battery has moved a total amount of charge Q by moving electrons from the positively charged plate to the negatively charged plate, then the voltage across the capacitor is V = Q/C and the amount of work done by the battery is W = ½CV2. The battery has converted chemical energy into electrostatic potential energy.
We can view the energy U as being stored in the separated charges,
U = ½Q2/C = ½CV2.
We can also view the energy as being stored in the electric field
produced by the separated charges.
Let the area of the plates of the parallel-plate capacitor be A and
the plate separation be d.
Then V = Ed and C = ε0A/d. We can
therefore write
U = ½ε0E2(A*d).
(A*d) is the volume between the plates of the capacitor. Inside
this volume the electric field is approximately constant and outside of
this volume the electric field is approximately zero.
We interpret uE = ½ε0E2
as the energy density, i.e. the energy per unit volume, in the
electric field. The energy stored between the plates of the
capacitor equals the energy per unit volume stored in the electric field
times the volume between the plates.
In electrostatics, viewing the energy as being stored in the
separated charges or viewing it as being stored in the electric field leads
to the same results. We are allowed to take either point of view.
There is also energy stored in the magnetic field. The energy density, i.e. the energy per unit volume, in the magnetic field, is uB = B2/(2μ0).
A MRI machine produces a magnetic field of magnitude 1.5 T in a cylindrical volume of radius r = 0.4 m and length L = 1.25 m. How much energy is stored in the magnetic field in this volume?
In electrodynamics we take the view that electromagnetic
energy is stored in the electric and magnetic fields.
Electromagnetic waves
can transport this field energy through space. Electromagnetic waves
are changing electric and magnetic fields, carrying energy through space.