The purpose of most optical instruments is to produce an images. Images can be formed by reflection and refraction.
What is an image?
We see objects, because they either emit or reflect light. We visually identify objects by the pattern of light that they emit or reflect. We gather some portion of that light on a detector (our eyes). In interpreting the pattern, we implicitly assume that the light traveled in a straight line from the object to the detector.
Curved mirrors can produce real and virtual images by reflection. A flat
mirror only produces virtual images.
Consider a flat
mirror. Light rays coming from any point on the object reflect off the mirror before hitting a detector. For each ray θi = θr.
The rays reflect in such a way that they seem to come from a point behind the
mirror. For the detector, the apparent position of the object point is behind the mirror.
That position is the image point. Let
xo denote the perpendicular distance of the object point from the mirror
surface, and let xi denote the perpendicular distance of the image
from this surface. If we let distances in front of the
mirror be positive and distances behind the mirror be negative, then we
have xo + xi = 0.
For mirrors, negative image distances are associated with virtual images and
positive image distances are associated with real images.
Virtual images appear behind the mirror, real images appear in front of the
Multiple images can be formed by combinations of
flat mirrors. In the picture
to the right, light bouncing off one or both of the mirrors can reach the eye along
three different paths. The detector sees three virtual images.
Determine the minimum height of a vertical, flat mirror in which a person 5'10'' in height can see his or her full image.
Light rays from a distant star are nearly perfectly parallel to each other
when they reach Earth. To produce a bright image of the star we want to gather
as much light from the star as possible and bring it together in one spot,
called a focus. A mirror with a
parabolic surface can perfectly focus incoming light rays parallel to its axis. It produces a real image in the focal point of the parabola. A parabola is the
locus of all points, which are equidistant from a line and a point (the focal
point). All light rays from a distant source approaching the parabola parallel
to its symmetry axis and reflecting from its surface have the same minimum
travel time to the focal point of the parabola. By Fermat's principle, light will
therefore take all these paths, and the rays will come together at the focus.
A concave mirror with a spherical surface focuses light similarly to a parabolic mirror as long as the angle subtended by the spherical mirror section is small. A spherical mirror has a radius of curvature R and a focal length f = R/2. The focal length f is the distance between the focus and the surface of the mirror. The figure on the right compares a parabolic and a concave spherical surface with the same focal length f. Near the symmetry axis or optical axis the curves are nearly identical.
As long as all light rays stay close to and make small angles with the optical axis,
we can write down a simple formula for spherical mirrors relating object and
image distances and the radius of curvature and focal length. This formula
is valid in the paraxial approximation.
If an object is placed in front of a
spherical mirror at an object distance xo,
then an image is formed at an image distance xi, where xo
and xi satisfy the mirror equation,
1/xo + 1/xi
= 1/f = 2/R.
Sign conventions for the mirror equation:
xi is positive for a real image in front of the mirror surface, and xi is negative
for a virtual image behind the mirror surface.
and xi are the perpendicular distances from the center plane of the
mirror as shown in the drawing below.
The focal length f and the radius of curvature R = 2f
are positive for a concave mirror and negative for a convex mirror.
For a concave mirror the reflecting surface bulges inward, and for a
convex mirror the reflecting surface bulges outward.
Please watch the Youtube video "Ray Diagrams - Mirrors".
We can determine the positions and sizes of images of points formed by spherical mirrors geometrically by drawing ray diagrams. Only two incident rays and their reflections must be drawn. The intersection of the two reflected rays, or, for divergent rays, the intersection of their backward extensions, marks the position of the image of your chosen point on the object. Choose two or more of the rays listed below.
In the example diagram a real image is formed by a concave mirror.
The image, in general, has not the same size of the object.
We define the
magnification M as the ratio of
the height of the image hi to the height of the object ho. We have
from geometry
M = hi/ho= -xi /xo .
If the magnification is negative, the image is inverted.
Here are some things that always go together for curved mirrors.
Convex mirrors form only virtual images.
Concave mirrors form real images, if xo > f and virtual
images if xo < f. The type of image formed depends on
the position of the object.
Please watch this Concave Mirror Demo: Pendulum.
More Demos:
A concave mirror has a radius of curvature of 20 cm. Find the location
of the image for object distances
(a) 40 cm,
(b) 20 cm,
(d) 10 cm.
For each case state whether the image is real or virtual, and upright or
inverted. Find the magnification for each case.
A object 2 cm in height is placed 3 cm in front of a concave mirror. If the image is 5 cm in height and virtual, what is the focal length of the mirror?
If an object placed 10 cm in front of a convex mirror produces a virtual image 5 cm behind the mirror, what is the focal length of the mirror?
A concave mirror forms an inverted image, four times larger than the object. If the distance between image and object is 1.5 m, find the radius of curvature R of the mirror.
Explore this interactive simulation.
Discuss these four cases with your fellow students in the discussion forum!
Can you think of situations where spherical mirrors are used to produce the
images explored in case 1 - 4.
If you have a shaving or make-up mirror, you have a concave mirror? Lay it
flat on the floor under a lamp or other object that is mounted on the ceiling.
Stand slightly to the side and try to see the image of the lamp or object.
It may take some moving your head around, but do you see the real image of the
lamp or object floating above the mirror>
Additional information: The Physics Classroom: Reflection and the Ray Model of Light