Freely falling objects

Free Fall

Systematic experiments on freely falling objects were carried out by Galileo Galilei (1564-1642).  Near the surface of the earth all freely falling objects accelerate at approximately the same rate.  This acceleration is denoted by g.  Its direction is downwards, towards the center of the earth.  Freely falling objects move with constant acceleration g = 9.8 m/s2 downward.


You drop a ball from a window on an upper floor of a building.  It strikes the ground with speed v.  You now repeat the drop, but you have a friend down on the street, who throws another ball upward with the same speed v.  Your friend throws the ball upward at the same time you drop yours from the window.  At some location the balls pass each other.  Is this location at the halfway point between the window and the ground, above this point, or below this point?


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A stone is thrown directly upward with an initial speed of 4 m/s from a height of 20 m. After what time interval does the stone strike the ground?



What is the speed of the stone in the previous problem when it hits the ground?


Note:  If the stone is thrown directly downward with an initial speed of 4 m/s, it hits the ground with the same speed, but at a later time.

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When the stone thrown upward returns to its original position, its velocity is -vi
The magnitude is that of the initial velocity, but the sign of the velocity has changed.
The velocity is now in the downward direction.
From then on, the stone behaves exactly like a stone throw downward with the same initial speed.


imageGalileo experimented with balls rolling down inclined planes, in order to reduce the acceleration along the plane and thus reduce the rate of descent of the balls.  Suppose the angle that the inclined plane makes with the horizontal is θ.  How would you expect the acceleration along the plane to decrease as θ decreases.  What specific trigonometric dependence on θ would you expect for the acceleration?



A pebble is dropped into a water well, and the splash is heard 16 s later.  What is the approximate distance from the rim of the well to the water's surface?



A hard rubber ball, released at chest height, falls to the pavement and bounces back to nearly the same height.  When it is in contact with the pavement, the lower side of the ball is temporarily flattened.  Assume that the maximum depth of the dent in the ball is about 1 cm.  Make an order of magnitude estimate of the maximum acceleration of the ball.  State your assumptions, the quantities you estimate, and the values you estimate for them.



imageA ball rolls up an incline, and then rolls back down to its initial position.  Which of the following graphs best represents the velocity of the ball as a function of time?


Module 2: Question 2

An object is dropped from a roof of a building of height h.  During the last second of its descent, it drops a distance h/3.  Calculate the height of the building.

Discuss approaches to solving this problem with your fellow students in the discussion forum!