Motion in 2 and 3 dimensions

Let us review the definitions of velocity and acceleration with the help of two problems.


Suppose that the position vector function for a particle is given by r(t) = x(t)i + y(t)j  
with x(t) = at + b and y(t) = ct2 + d, where a = 1 m/s, b = 1 m, c = 0.125 m/s2, and d = 1 m.
(a)  Calculate the average velocity during the time interval t = 2 s to t = 4 s.
(b)  Determine the velocity and speed at t = 2 s.



The coordinates of an object moving in the xy-plane vary with time according to the equations 
x = (-5 m) sin(t) and y = (4 m) - (5 m) cos(t), where t is in seconds.
(a)  Determine the components of velocity and components of acceleration at t = 0.
(b)  Write expressions for the position vector, the velocity vector, and the acceleration vector at any time t > 0.
(c)  Describe the path of the object in an xy-plot.


Let us now consider three-dimensional motion with constant acceleration.

Let a = axi + ayj + azk = (ax, ay, az) = constant.  Since a is constant, the components ax, ay, and az are constant and the average acceleration is equal to the instantaneous acceleration.
Assume that at t = 0 a particle is at position r0 = x0i + y0j + z0k and has velocity v0 = v0xi + v0yj + v0zk.  At time t, i.e. after a time interval ∆t = t, its velocity has changed by an amount ∆v = a∆t = at.  We can rewrite this in terms of the components as

∆vxi + ∆vyj + ∆vzk = axt i + ayt j + azt k.

A vector equation like this is equivalent to a set of three equations, one for each component of the vector in three dimensions.

∆vx = ax∆t,  ∆vy = ay∆t,   ∆vz = az∆t.

The x-component of the acceleration only changes the x-component of the velocity, the y-component of the acceleration only changes the y-component of the velocity, etc. 
The velocity as a function of time is given by

vx = v0x + ∆vx = v0x + ax∆t, 
vy = v0y + ay∆t, 
vz = v0z∆t + az∆t,
or   v = v0 + a∆t.

Note: If the directions of v0 and a are different, the direction of v is different from the direction of v0.

For constant acceleration the motions along the perpendicular axes of a Cartesian coordinate system are independent and can be analyzed separately.
The position of the particle at time t is given by

x = x0 + v0x∆t + ½ax∆t2,
y = y0 + v0y∆t + ½ay∆t2,
z = z0 + v0z∆t + ½az∆t2,   
or    r = r0 + v0∆t + ½a∆t2.

Note: The directions of r0, v0, a, and r may all be different.  If a is constant then the x, y, and z-coordinated as a function of time can be found independently.


At t = 0, a particle moving in the xy-plane with constant acceleration has a velocity v0 = (3i - 2j) m/s at the origin.  At t = 3 s, the particle's velocity is v = (9i + 7j) m/s.  Find
(a)  the acceleration of the particle and
(b)  the coordinates at any time.



A particle originally located at the origin has an acceleration of a =  3j m/s2 and an initial velocity of v0 = 5i m/s.
(a)  Find the vector position and velocity at any time t.
(b)  The coordinates and speed of the particle at t = 2 s.
