The class material, which I have designed to promote self-study, spaced learning, retrieval practice, and practice testing is mostly text based. You have to study this material. As the instructors, I and the lab instructors are your learning facilitators. We provide you with the learning materials, help you stay on track, and also help you to overcome obstacles. The course structure is tailored to provide ample individual assistance and feedback.
Physics is not a a collection of formulas that you can remember. Classical physics consist of a few principles that you have to understand conceptually. Once you understand them, you can apply them to analyze various situations. Some concepts can be expressed in terms of mathematical formulas. But to really understand them, you also have to be able to express them in words.
To become familiar with the course layout and all the course requirements, please start with these steps.
Spaced learning:
There are 12 modules. Each module is divided into two parts.
Self study: (Read and Think)
You have to study the material
linked on the schedule. This is the
material the assignments and tests refer to.
Retrieval practice
Practice testing
After you have completed a module, review the summary slides for this module under "Modules" on Canvas. They offer some additional problems to test your understanding. There are also short video summaries for each module under Panopto Video on Canvas.
Note: I strongly recommend submitting earlier than midnight on the due date and not
waiting until the last minute. You can submit all homework assignment
multiple times. Submitting early allows you to ask questions and get
feedback if your first answer was incorrect, and it allows you to help other
students once you have arrived at the correct answer.
If you need more help, attend the office/tutoring hours of the instructors. They
are offered at various time throughout the week. You can attend the
office/tutoring hours of any instructor.
The online material is my contribution to the class. It covers all
topics that may appear on homework assignments and tests. Space your
reading. After each sub-module ask yourself if you understand the solved
problems. Could you now solve them without looking at the solutions?
Then complete the associated homework assignment to test yourself. After
you have studied the module material, complete the lab.