

Study the linked on-line material before the end of the day in the reading scheduled.  Make sure that you can work the problems that are worked out in the web material.  Explore some of the links that are embedded in the web material.  Read the associated chapter in the textbook.  Complete homework assignments, laboratories, and extra credit assignments and contribute to the module discussion before midnight on the due date in the homework, lab, and extra credit schedule.   

Online material
  Homework, Lab, Ex credit,
Discussion schedule
21-Jan Introduction        
23-Jan Position and displacement 2.1, 2.2   A1 27-Jan
27-Jan Speed, velocity, and acceleration 2.3 - 2.8   H1, Lab 1, Ex1, Discussion 1     29-Jan
30-Jan Newton's 1st and 2nd Laws of Motion 4.1, 4.2   A2 3-Feb
3-Feb Weight, Newton's 3rd law 4.3, 4.4   H2, Lab 2, Ex 2, Discussion 2 5-Feb
6-Feb Projectile motion, Hooke's law 3.1 - 3.5   A3 10-Feb
10-Feb Friction, drag, circular motion 5.1, 5.2   H3, Lab 3, Ex 3, Discussion 3 12-Feb
13-Feb Work, kinetic and potential energy 7.1 - 7.3   A4 17-Feb
17-Feb Conservation of energy, power 7.4 - 7.8   H4, Lab 4, Ex 4,Discussion 4 19-Feb
20-Feb Momentum and impulse 8.1-8.2   A5 24-Feb
24-Feb Conservation of momentum 8.3 - 8.7   H5, Lab 5, Ex 5, Discussion 5 26-Feb
27-Feb Rotational kinematics and dynamics 10.1 - 10.3   A6 3-Mar
3-Mar Rotational energy and angular momentum 10.4, 10.5   H6, Lab 6, Ex 6, Discussion 6 5-Mar
6-Mar Review        
11-Mar Test 1        
13-Mar Static fluids, pressure and buoyancy 11.1 - 11.6   A7 24-Mar
24-Mar Pumps, surface tension 11.7 - 11.9   H7, Lab 7, Ex 7, Discussion 7 26-Mar
27-Mar Fluid dynamics, ideal fluids 12.1 - 12.3   A8 31-Mar
31-Mar Fluid dynamics, viscous fluids 12.4 - 12.6   H8, Lab 8, Ex 8, Discussion 8 2-Apr
3-Apr Temperature and heat 13.1 - 13.3   A9 7-Apr
7-Apr Thermal properties of matter 14.1 - 14.7   H9, Lab 9, Ex 9, Discussion 9 9-Apr
10-Apr The laws of thermodynamics 15.1, 15.2   A10 14-Apr
14-Apr Devices, entropy 15.3 - 15.7   H10, Lab 10, Ex 10, Discussion 10   16-Apr
17-Apr Oscillations 16.1 - 16.5   A11 21-Apr
21-Apr Mechanical waves 16.7 - 16.11   H11, Lab 11, Ex 11, Discussion 11 23-Apr
24-Apr Sound waves 17.1 - 17.3   A12 28-Apr
28-Apr The Doppler effect 17.4, 17.5   H12, Lab 12, Ex 12, Discussion 12 30-Apr
1-May Review        
8-May Test 2            

Homework assignments:


Each section has its own lab instructors.  The lab instructor will help students with the laboratories and grade the lab reports.  The Spring 2025 Physics 221 Lab Syllabus on Canvas explains the lab grading policy.  You cannot earn passing grade for the course, unless you earn a passing grade for the labs.

Class participation:

Participate in online discussions for class participation credit.  Meaningful participation before the due date of the second homework, lab, and extra credit associated with a module gives you 100% class participation credit for this module.  Post questions, answers, hints, comments, etc, under one of the suggested topics or start your own topic.

What is a meaningful contribution?

Extra credit assignments:

You can earn up to 50 extra credit points from answering extra credit questions on Canvas.  You can submit the Canvas extra credit assignments up to three times if you need to improve your score.  The highest score counts.  The questions are challenging, but you are encouraged to discuss extra credit questions with your fellow students before the submission.  Extra credit points are added to your total score from tests, homework assignments and laboratories. 


Tests are 90-minute online exams.  Test 1 questions are about material covered in modules 1 - 6, and test 2 questions are about material covered in modules 7 - 12.  You will take the tests online using the Chrome browser with the Proctorio extension during any 90-minute period between 7:00 am and 11:30 pm on the test day.

Test 1 March 11 formulas Study Guide
Test 2 May 8 formulas Study Guide


You can examine the entries made for you in the instructor's grade book on Canvas.
Percentage grades translate to letter grades as shown in the table below.  Please notify the instructor promptly if you think a grade has not been recorded correctly.

90% and above A
87% - 89% A-
83% - 86% B+
80% - 82% B
77% - 79% B-
73% - 76% C+
70% - 72% C
67% - 69% C-
63% - 66% D+
60% - 62% D
57% - 59% D-
below 57% F