Atoms make up
ordinary matter. In 1897 J. J. Thomson discovered the electron, a
negatively charged particle more than two thousand times lighter than a
hydrogen atom. In 1906 Thomson suggested that each atom
contained a number of electrons roughly equal to its atomic number.
Since atoms are neutral, the charge of these electrons must be balanced
by some kind of positive charge. Thomson proposed a 'plum pudding'
model, with positive and negative charge filling a sphere ~10-10 meter across. This plum pudding model was generally
accepted. Even Thomson's student Rutherford, who would later prove the
model incorrect, believed in it at the time.
in 1911 Ernest Rutherford proposed that each atom has a
massive nucleus containing all of its positive charge, and that the much
lighter electrons are outside this nucleus. The nucleus has a
radius about ~ 10-14 - 10-15 m, ten thousand to one hundred thousand times smaller than the radius
of the atom. Rutherford arrived at this model by doing experiments.
He scattered alpha particles off fixed targets and observed some of them
scattering through very large angles. Scattering at large angles
occurs when the alpha particles come close to a nucleus. The
reason that most alpha particles are not scattered at all is that they
are passing through the relatively large 'gaps' between nuclei.
The Rutherford Experiment
Thomson Model of an Atom
Rutherford Model
Rutherford revised Thomson's 'plum pudding'
model, proposing that electrons orbit a positively charged nucleus, like
planets orbit a star. But orbiting particles continuously
accelerate, and accelerating charges produce electromagnetic radiation.
According to classical physics the planetary atom cannot exist.
Electrons quickly radiate away their energy and spiral into the nucleus.
In 1915 Niels Bohr adapted Rutherford's model by saying that the orbits
of the electrons were quantized, meaning that they could exist only at
certain distances from the nucleus. Bohr proposed that electrons
did not emit electromagnetic radiation when moving in those quantized orbits.
What do our instruments reveal today? Here are 3 examples.
All the examples reveal the probability distribution of atomic electrons,
i.e. the probability of finding an electron at certain positions near an atomic
The field ion microscope and the STM look at atomic cores that are fixed in the
crystal structure of a conductor. By different means they supply barely
enough energy to remove the electron from the conductor's surface The
electron is most likely removed from positions near the atomic cores. The
removed electron is replaced by a small current flowing to the ground. So
electrons can be repeatedly removed from the same atoms and plotting the number
of electrons removed or the current flowing versus position maps the electron
probability distribution.
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Field Ion microscope | Scanning-Tunneling microscope (STM) |
The quantum microscope works with a beam of atoms. Electrons are removed from different, identically prepared atoms. A electron optics system images their removal position onto a detector. Each atom only contributes one electron. but after a sufficient number of electrons has been detected, a very detailed probability distribution emerges.,
Quantum microscope peers into the H atom
Quantum mechanics now predicts what measurements can reveal about atoms.
The hydrogen atom represents the simplest possible atom, since it consists of
only one proton and one electron. The electron is bound, or confined.
Its potential energy function U(r) expresses its electrostatic potential energy
as a function of its distance r from the proton.
U(r) = -qe2/(4πε0r).
In SI unit 1/(4πε0) = 9*109 Nm2/C2,
and qe = 1.6*10-19 C.
The figure on the right shows the shape of U(r) in a plane containing
the origin. The potential energy is chosen to be zero at infinity.
The electron in the hydrogen atom is confined in the potential well, and
its total energy is negative.
Confinement leads to energy quantization.
The allowed energies of the electron in the hydrogen atom are
En = -13.6 eV/n2.
Here n is called the principle quantum
number. The values En are the possible value
for the total electron energy (kinetic and potential energy) in the
hydrogen atom. The average potential energy is -2*13.6 eV/n2
and the average kinetic energy is +13.6 eV/n2. The electron has four degrees of freedom, the three
spatial degrees of freedom and one internal degree of freedom,
called spin. To completely determine its initial wave function,
we, in general, have to make four compatible measurements.
Some observables that are compatible with energy measurements and
compatible with each other are
We can know the values of these observables, labeled by n, l, m, and ms, simultaneously.
For the hydrogen atom, the energy levels only depend on the principal quantum number n. The energy levels are
degenerate, meaning that the electron in the hydrogen atom can be in
different states, with different wave functions, labeled by a different
set of quantum numbers, and still have the same energy.
The electron wave functions however are different for every different set of quantum numbers.
Examples of hydrogen atom probability densities.
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As n increases, |
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Note: Energy eigenfuctions characterize stationary state. We cannot track the electron and know its energy at the same time. If we know its energy, we can only predict probabilities for where we might find it if we tried to measure its position. If we determine the position of the electron, we lose the energy information.
l = 1 | s |
l = 2 | p |
l = 3 | d |
l = 4 | f |
l = 4 | g |
Often texts use a different notation to refer to the energy levels of the hydrogen atom. Letters of the alphabet are associated with various values of l.
Spectroscopic notation | Quantum number n of the state |
Quantum number l of the state |
Possible values of the quantum number m |
1s |
1 |
0 |
0 |
2s |
2 |
0 |
0 |
2p |
2 |
1 |
-1, 0, 1 |
3s |
3 |
0 |
0 |
3p |
3 |
1 |
-1, 0, 1 |
3d |
3 |
2 |
-2, -1, 0, 1, 2 |
4s |
4 |
0 |
0 |
4p |
4 |
1 |
-1, 0, 1 |
4d |
4 |
2 |
--2, -1, 0, 1, 2 |
4f |
4 |
3 |
-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 |
When an electron changes from one energy level to
another, the energy of the atom must change as well. It requires
energy to promote an electron from a lower energy level to a higher one.
This energy can be supplied by a photon whose energy E is given in terms
of its frequency E = hf or wavelength E = hc/λ.
Since the energy levels are quantized, only certain photon wavelengths can be absorbed. If a photon is absorbed, an electron will be promoted to a higher energy level and will then fall back down into the lowest energy state (ground state) in a cascade of transitions. Each time the energy level of the electron changes, a photon will be emitted and the energy (wavelength) of the photon will be characteristic of the energy difference between the initial and final energy levels of the atom in the transition. The energy of the emitted photon is just the energy difference between the initial (ni) and the final (nf) state.
The set of spectral lines for a given final state nf are generally close together. In the hydrogen atom they are given special names. The lines for which nf = 1 are called the Lyman series. These transitions frequencies correspond to spectral lines in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The lines for which nf = 2 are called the Balmer series and many of these spectral lines are visible. The spectrum of hydrogen is particularly important in astronomy because most of the Universe is made of hydrogen. The Balmer series, which is the only hydrogen series with lines in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum, is shown in the right in more detail.
The Balmer lines are designated by H with a Greek subscript in order of decreasing
wavelength. Thus the longest wavelength Balmer transition is designated
H with a subscript alpha, the second longest H with a subscript beta,
and so on.
What is the wavelength of the least energetic line in the Balmer series?
What is the shortest wavelength in the Balmer series?
Do the Balmer and Lyman series overlap? To answer this, calculate the shortest-wavelength Balmer line and the longest-wavelength Lyman line.
Discuss this with your fellow students in the discussion forum!
Atoms with all but one electron removed are called hydrogenic atoms.
Atoms can be ionized by thermal collisions, such as at the high
temperatures found in the solar corona. One such ion is C+5 , a
carbon atom with only a single electron.
(a) By what factor are the energies of its hydrogen-like levels greater than
those of hydrogen?
(b) What is the wavelength of the first line in this ion's Paschen series?
(c) What type of EM radiation is this?
In 1913 Bohr's model of the atom revolutionized atomic physics. The Bohr model consists of four principles:
With these conditions Bohr was able to explain the
stability of atoms, as well
as the emission spectrum of hydrogen. According to Bohr's model only certain
orbits are allowed, which means only certain energies are possible. These
energies naturally lead to the explanation of the hydrogen atom spectrum.
Bohr's model was so successful that he immediately received
world-wide fame. Unfortunately, Bohr's model worked only for hydrogen and hydrogenic atoms, such as any atom with all but one electron removed.
The Bohr model is easy to picture, but we now know that it is wrong. Any planetary model of the atom, so often
seen in pictures and so easy to picture, is wrong. Energy and
position are incompatible observables. We cannot track an electron with a
known energy inside an atom.